Flysch on a sailboat

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  • Duration: 02:00
  • Number of maximun visitors: 5
  • Required: Warm clothing, non-slip footwear, glasses and a hat for the sun.
  • Minimum age (years): 12
  • Price: 40.00 €
  • Starting point: Marina (in front of pier number 5), Zumaia

An ideal excursion for visitors who want to enjoy flysch with the calm and exclusivity that a trip on a small sailboat offers. Feel the freedom of navigation as you observe the majestic display of cliffs between Zumaia and Deba. Enjoy privileged views and learn to "read" with us the great book of the history of the Earth. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and let the wind and salt of the Cantabrian Sea envelop you in a unique landscape and moment. Dare to discover flysch by sailboat, a memorable adventure in the Basque Coast Geopark.

Important notes:

  • The boat trip depends on the state of the sea. At the Geopark we will always prioritize the safety of our clients.
  • The navigation will last approximately 2h-2h30.
  • If you think it is necessary, take measures against motion sickness.